193 Issues

- Where Is the U.S. Going?
- Trump’s Comeback: The Death of Liberalism
- Free Luigi!
- ILA Tops Scrapped Powerful Strike | Longshore Workers: Prepare for Next Battle
- Quote: Free Mangione!
- Cindy Nolan (1962-2024)
- South Korea: To Defend Democratic Rights, Break the U.S. Alliance!
- Why Can't Anyone Stop Netanyahu?
- The Victory that Wasn’t | How to Put the Machinists on Top
- Save All Working People from Boeing!
- Down With Bosses’ “Divide and Rule” Schemes!
- Boeing Machinists: For a Class-Struggle Leadership!
- How We Fought to Escalate Boeing Strike
- Uhuru 3 Sentenced on Bogus Charges
- What Way Forward for the IBEW
- ILWU: Class-Struggle Militant Gets 20 Percent
- ILWU: Equal Pay, Benefits and Union Rights for All!
- Correction

- Wir stehen vor harten Zeiten
- Marxisten und Palästina: 100 Jahre Versagen
- Der Klassencharakter Chinas
- Der Kampf gegen Modi: Was nun?
- Vladimir Zernin (1934–2024)
- Marxistische Prinzipien und Wahltaktik neu überdacht
- Eichhorn und der Spartakusaufstand
- Frankreich: Volksfront bahnt Le Pen den Weg
- Zurückweisung unserer Verleumdung gegen die BT
- Widerruf des Ausschlusses der polnischen Sektion aus der IKL

- Les marxistes et la Palestine : Cent ans d’échec
- Éditorial: Un vent de réaction
- La nature de classe de la Chine
- Le retour de Trump : La mort du libéralisme
- Le combat contre Modi : Perspectives
- Principes marxistes et tactiques électorales réexaminés
- Eichhorn et l’insurrection spartakiste
- La LCI répudie l’expulsion de sa section polonaise
- Le carnage sioniste s’étend | Pourquoi personne ne peut arrêter Nétanyahou ?

- The LFI Chooses Sectarianism
- Exchange on Chauvinism and Moralism
- Exchange on Lockdowns and Vaccines
- Exchange on Spartacist No. 68: On the Malvinas/Falklands War and Permanent Revolution
- Debates on the National Question with the Korean Bolshevik Group
- Exchange on Class and Ideological Divisions in China Today
- Babies, Bathwater, and the International Bolshevik Tendency
- Bolshevik-Leninists fuse, Revolutionary Regroupment splits
- Iran and the National Question
- Polemics with Revolutionary Communist International Tendency on Israel/Palestine

- Der Tod des Liberalismus
- Ampel am Ende – Rechte im Anmarsch: Was tun?
- Kämpfen wir für einen Kurswechsel der IG Metall!
- Hafen verkauft Arbeiter ausverkauft
- Ziel von Funke/RKP: „nicht durch Kritik an der Arbeiterführung aufzufallen“
- DKP schaffte den Wahlantritt in Brandenburg!
- Hochgeschätzte Hilfe
- Landtagswahl Thüringen: Wählt MLPD!
- Unser EU-Wahlkampf für die DKP
- Linke Opposition oder linkes Feigenblatt?
- SPD oder Palästina?
- Für eine linke, antiimperialistische Opposition!
- Welchen Weg vorwärts für die Palästina-Bewegung?
- Warum kann niemand Netanjahu stoppen?
- KfsV: Nigerianischen Demonstranten droht die Todesstrafe
- KfsV: Weg mit dem Skandalurteil gegen Michael Pröbsting!
- KfsV: Sofortige Freilassung von Daniela Klette!
- KfsV: Weg mit den Verboten der Islamischen Zentren!

- Editorial: Capitulation or Class Struggle?
- How We Got Here, How to Fight Back
- The Road to Land and Jobs
- Trump’s Comeback: The Death of Liberalism
- Why Can’t Anyone Stop Netanyahu?
- ICL at Lenin Centenary Conference in Abuja: In Defence of Permanent Revolution
- ICL at Lenin Centenary Conference in Abuja: The Breakdown of US Hegemony and the Struggle for Workers Power
- Nigerian Protesters Face Death Penalty
- Defend Xolani Khoza!
- Fighting for Black Freedom Is Not Terrorism!
- Bangladesh: Tasks and Dangers
- Argentina: The Tasks of Trotskyists in the Struggle Against Milei

- Πώς να Ανακτήσουμε το Πλεονέκτημα
- Τέμπη: Πώς θα Αποδοθεί Δικαιοσύνη!
- Γιατί Κανείς δεν Μπορεί να Σταματήσει τον Νετανιάχου;
- Νότια Αφρική: Πώς Φτάσαμε Εδώ, Πώς να Παλέψουμε
- Spartacist (Ελληνική έκδοση)
- Κάλεσμα σε Δράση! Νιγηριανοί Διαδηλωτές Αντιμετωπίζουν τη Θανατική Ποινή
- Επιστολή της ILWU
- Οι Εργάτες Πρέπει να Αντιταχθούν στο Λαϊκό Μέτωπο
- Γαλλία: Το Λαϊκό Μέτωπο Ανοίγει τον Δρόμο για τη Λεπέν
- Για μια αντί-ΕΕ Αντικαπιταλιστική Συμμαχία ΚΚΕ/ΑΝΤΑΡΣΥΑ
- Για να Υπερασπίσουμε την Παιδεία Πρέπει να Συντρίψουμε την Τυραννία της ΕΕ
- Φέρτε τους Εργάτες Έξω Τώρα!
- Πως να Αποφύγουμε την Ήττα

- Pourquoi personne ne peut arrêter Nétanyahou ?
- Le front républicain a pavé la voie à Barnier
- Anti-impérialisme ou mélenchonisme, il faut choisir | Le mouvement pro-Palestine dans l’impasse
- Libération immédiate de tous les militants kanak !
- Grande-Bretagne : Comment les libéraux londoniens alimentent l’extrême droite
- Émeutes racistes : Organisons une défense syndicale de masse !
- La LCI répudie l’expulsion de sa section polonaise
- Levée des inculpations de tous les militants pro-Palestine !

¡Ningún voto a La Alianza!
Los puertorriqueños necesitan un partido por el socialismo y la independencia

Committee to Defend Xolani Khoza calls for protest on September 27, Mbombela courthouse

- Se avecinan tiempos difíciles
- Los marxistas y Palestina: Cien años de fracasos
- La naturaleza de clase de China
- Los trotskistas en Argentina | Palabras al aire y sectarismo
- Los principios marxistas y las tácticas electorales reevaluados
- Eichhorn y el Levantamiento Espartaquista
- Francia | El Frente Popular allana el camino a Le Pen
- Argentina: Para derrotar a Milei, ¡luchar por la liberación nacional!
- Llevan a los trabajadores a una derrota histórica: ¡DESPIERTEN!
- La LCI repudia la expulsión de su sección polaca

- Kamala Mania Won’t Defeat Trumpism
- Machinists Strike: Save Us All from Boeing!
- Puerto Ricans Need a Party for Socialism and Independence
- ILWU Rejects Boycott of Military Cargo to Israel
- Repudiating Expulsion of ICL’s Polish Section
- Vladimir Zernin (1934-2024)
- Marjorie Stamberg (1944-2024)
- Lessons from the Defeat of the Student Struggle
- Defend Campus Pro-Palestinian Protesters!
- Why the UAW 4811 Strike Failed
- Police Brutality: How to Get Justice
- Outrage: Uhuru Convicted of “Conspiracy”
- United-Front Protest: Defend Xolani Khoza!
- The Roots of The ISA Crisis
- NYC Transit | Militants Run for Executive Board in TWU Local 100
- Unchain Power of 1199!
- Segregation Holds Back ILA | Prepare to Strike! Fuse the Locals!

- How London liberals fuel the far right
- Bangladesh: Tasks and dangers
- Partisan defence committee, Autumn 2024
- Lucy Letby: scapegoat for failing NHS
- France: Popular Front paves way for far right
- Letter: What the city does to buses
- Organise mass trade union defence!
- Election result: Bad for workers
- Vote Communist Party? Not so fast...we have a condition

- Pour un pôle ouvrier contre la réaction !
- Léon Trotsky contre le front populaire
- LO, NPA-R, RP : Formez un bloc ouvrier contre le RN !
- Votez LO, NPA-R et RP !
- Aucun Vote au 2e Tour !
- Indépendance kanak socialiste !
- Massacre colonial à Nouméa : Indépendance immédiate pour Kanaky !
- Italie : L’euro-atlantisme paralyse la gauche

Weg mit dem Urteil gegen Michael Pröbsting!
Weg mit jeder Repression gegen Palästina-Solidarität!

Down With the Verdict Against Michael Pröbsting!
Down With All Repression Against Palestine Solidarity!

Landtagswahl Thüringen:
Wählt MLPD!
Pro-NATO-Führer in SPD/LINKE bahnen AfD den Weg!
Für eine linke Opposition der Arbeiter!

Tarifrunde und MSC-Deal: ver.di-Strategie bereitet Niederlage vor
Kämpfen wir JETZT für einen Kurswechsel

- Tough Times Ahead
- Marxists & Palestine: 100 Years of Failure
- The Class Nature of China
- The Fight Against Modi: What Next?
- Trotskyists in Argentina | Hot Air and Sectarianism
- Marxist Principles and Electoral Tactics Revisited
- Eichhorn and the Spartakist Uprising
- France | Popular Front Paves the Way for Le Pen
- Retracting ICL’s Slander of the BT
- A Revolutionary Road for Palestinian Liberation
- Argentina: To Defeat Milei, Fight for National Liberation!
- Workers Are Being Led to a Historic Defeat: WAKE UP!

Hacer de la huelga una lucha antiimperialista
Mineros, para ganar: ¡Extender la huelga al puerto y la ciudad!

- ¡Sólo la clase obrera puede liberar a México!
- Lecciones de la huelga de Audi
- Obreros de Audi: ¡Hay que dar un gancho al hígado a los imperialistas!
- Obreros de Audi/VW: ¡Basta de saqueo y humillación!
- Para liberar a Palestina y México: Lucha contra el imperialismo yanqui!
- ¡Pistolas para las mujeres!
- La CMI funda la ICR: El GRANT salto adelante
- ¡Vota por la clase obrera! ¡Vota por el PSL!
- Sudáfrica: Lucha de clases o parlamento | La vía para obtener tierra y trabajo
- Para derrotar a Milei, ¡luchar por la liberación nacional! Un llamado al Frente de Izquierda
- ¡Manos fuera del Partido Obrero argentino!

ver.di-Warnstreik-Redner Malte Klingforth hat recht
Kampf für hohe Löhne und gegen den MSC-Deal, JETZT!

Open letter to the Workers Party of Britain, the Revolutionary Communist Party and Steve Hedley
We need to sort out the mess in Stratford and Bow
For unity against Starmer’s Labour!

Letter to the Weekly Worker
Spartacist League vs. the CPGB on 2024 election:
Debating with Labourites

Class Struggle or Parliament:
The Road to Land and Jobs
Vote EFF May 29!
Build Action Committees Now!

- World in crisis | Lucky country in denial
- Spartacist League of Australia and Bolshevik-Leninist fuse
- How the Whitlam government paved the way for neoliberalism
- “One and free”? | Multiculturalism and the liberal order in Australia
- Greetings to the Fusion Conference of the SL/A and B-L
- Aboriginal liberation demands revolutionary leadership
- Lynette ‘Inga’ Smith 1945-2023
- Drive the AUKUS supporters out of the ALP!
- Bolshevik-Leninists fuse, Revolutionary Regroupment splits
- Defend Palestine! Defend Iran!
- To defend Palestine: Break the U.S. connection in the workers movement
- Mobilise against the Zionist witchhunt! | PDC
- Call for a united front

- Dump Starmer to defend Palestine!
- Defend Palestine! Defend Iran!
- Why is the left so weak and divided?
- Let trans kids decide!
- Partisan Defence Committee
- Teachers: Let’s stand up for ourselves!
- London buses going to hell
- Save the ISA from the COC!
- IMT founds RCI: The GRANT leap forward
- Why the Spartacist League supports TUSC and why other groups should do the same
- TUSC, CPGB and Leninism
- Philippines: Build an anti-imperialist front!

Για μια αντι-ΕΕ Αντικαπιταλιστική Συμμαχία ΚΚΕ/ΑΝΤΑΡΣΥΑ
- Αποκηρύξτε τη Συνθηκολόγηση με τον ΣΥΡΙΖΑ!
- Παλέψτε για Έξοδο από την ΕΕ Τώρα!

- Vote Working Class—Vote PSL!
- Defend Palestine! Defend Iran!
- Let Them Stay, Make Bosses Pay! | New York
- Let Them Stay, Make Bosses Pay! | Chicago
- Protest Austrian State Repression of Pro-Palestinian Socialists!
- Socialists Must Intervene in All Political Arenas
- For Labor Action to Stop U.S./Israeli Genocide in Gaza
- Join the Campaign! | Open Police Archives!
- Ed Poindexter 1944–2023
- Free Umar Khalid!
- Free Georges Ibrahim Abdallah!
- Defend Pro-Palestinian Campus Protesters!
- DSA Left Must Choose
- Protest Expulsion of JBA Caucus Member!
- Transit Workers Shouldn’t Have to Kill Themselves Just to Do Their Jobs!
- End Tier Segregation in the ILWU!
- Lessons of the Audi Strike
- The Breakdown of U.S. Hegemony & the Struggle for Workers Power

La clave para triunfar era la lucha antiimperialista
Lecciones de la huelga de Audi
Obreros: ¡preparen las luchas por venir!

Smash EDCA!
Build an Anti-Imperialist Front!
Drive the pro-U.S. lapdogs out of the workers movement!