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Last spring, campus administrations and the police met protests against the genocide in Gaza with brutal repression. Over 3,100 were arrested at some 70 schools. Many are still in the state’s clutches, including eight CUNY protesters who face felonies. Others face disciplinary reprisals. Drop all charges! Pack the court on December 16 for the CUNY 8! Readmit everyone and rehire all those fired!

Over the summer, many campus administrations limited or banned camping on lawns. Others cordoned off public spaces, while imposing restrictions against leafleting, tabling, etc. Campus security has acquired new paramilitary gear and surveillance tools. Columbia remains on lockdown, closed to the general public. All cops, security guards, armed Zionist auxiliaries off campus!

Under the lying smear campaign equating anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism, Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) has been suspended from several schools, as has Jewish Voice for Peace. Instagram has disabled accounts of SJP chapters and divulged members’ information to police. Hands off pro-Palestine student groups! Down with censorship!

It is in the vital interest of students, workers, and all the oppressed that these attacks be repulsed. The victimization of pro-Palestinian activists will only embolden further attacks against everyone in the U.S. imperialists’ crosshairs, while a successful defense of the pro-Palestine movement will put us all in a better position to fight back against the same capitalist state that oversees the subjugation of the globe and the assaults on workers here at home. Down with campus repression! Free Palestine!