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Starmer has pledged his support to the state of Israel and will defend genocide against the Palestinians for as long as he and Israel exist. He is one of the staunchest Zionists in the whole of the country; this is no revelation to anyone. As for the Labour left and trade union leaders, they completely back him. Yet the overwhelming majority of the country is against this genocide. Hundreds of thousands of people who hate Starmer protest week in and week out in defence of Palestine. So how is Starmer so comfortable and just inches away from becoming Prime Minister? Anyone who wants to push forward the Palestinian movement must confront this question head-on.

The problem is that the pro-Palestinian movement is chained to Starmer’s Labour. Movement speakers include Zarah Sultana, John McDonnell and union leaders, who send their liberal solidarity to Palestine on the weekend and then get back to their day job of building for a Starmer government. They try to play both sides. On the one hand, they call for peace. On the other, they have a career to protect. If they don’t support Starmer, he’ll chuck them out.

But you can’t support Palestine and support Starmer! We can’t build an effective movement against genocide while there are leaders within it who are supporting Sir Kid Starver! The only way to get any kind of peace for the Palestinians is first to wage war on these pro-imperialist leaders. Therefore, we say: Labour lefts choose your side, Starmer stands for genocide!

To make this happen, what’s needed is an anti-Starmer bloc inside the Palestinian movement. We obviously can’t fight for Palestine with the Tories. It is no different with the supporters of Starmer. We need our own separate contingents. We must agitate in the movement so that Dump Starmer becomes one of its main slogans, forcing the two-faced Labourites to choose.

This is what will push the movement forward. And that’s why the Spartacist League fights to build a bloc under this call as part of our communist perspective. But more organisations and individuals must take this up. Everyone hates Starmer. So let’s have the Palestinian movement get rid of him!