38 Issues

Ukrainian and Russian Socialists in Prison for Opposing War
Free Bogdan Syrotiuk, Boris Kagarlitsky and Alleged RFU Members!

- Obreros, campesinos: ¡Hay que defendernos de Trump!
- Sindicatos educativos: ¡Por un frente único de lucha!
- El regreso de Trump: La muerte del liberalismo
- Palestina necesita una victoria de verdad
- ¡No se puede defender a México apoyando el T-MEC!
- ¡Abajo la reforma a la ley del ISSSTE!
- ¡Se necesita una dirección antiimperialista!
- 'III Evento Académico Internacional León Trotsky: 100 años de la muerte de Lenin'
- ¿A dónde va Estados Unidos? Tareas del movimiento obrero

- Editorial: The Rise of Reaction and the Fight for Women’s Liberation
- Transgender Liberation: Liberal Betrayal, Marxist Answers
- Let Trans Kids Decide!
- To Hell with the Sports Ban!
- Anti-Imperialism & Women's Liberation
- Women in China: Slaves of the Family or Fighters for Revolution?
- Mexico: Guns for Women!
- India: R.G. Kar Rape and Murder
- V.I. Lenin: The Attitude of the Workers' Party to Religion
- Britain: The Crisis in Healthcare and Women's Oppression
- Why We Defend Lucy Letby
- Sex Scandals, Moralism and the Left

- Où vont les États-Unis ?
- Il faut préparer la défense ouvrière !
- Seul l’anti-impérialisme peut unir les peuples de Syrie
- Comment reconstruire la puissance des cheminots
- LO rejette les méthodes de lutte de classe
- Gaël Quirante dans le collimateur de l’État
- Bas les pattes devant Rodrigue Petitot !
- Boualem Sansal : Larbin de l'impérialisme français
- Travail syndical : Leur conception et la nôtre
- Une candidature révolutionnaire aux élections allemandes

La Alianza: Como un paraguas en medio de un huracán
Sólo la lucha antiimperialista puede derrotar a Trump/González

- How to fight back
- Palestine needs a real victory
- Only anti-imperialism can unite the peoples of Syria
- Partisan Defence Committee, Winter 2025
- Defend Anasse Kazib against French state repression
- Protest racist British state: Free the Manchester 10!
- Why we defend Lucy Letby
- Nigerian protesters face death penalty
- Work in trade unions — their conception and ours
- Crisis in higher education: Prepare for the onslaught
- NEU: Isolated strikes won’t save the schools
- Bus drivers: Fight for our rights!
- British far left in cloud cuckoo land
- Exchange on “coconuts”
- Spartacist candidate in German elections
- To build a workers party…you need workers

- Bust the union busters!
- Australia at a crossroads
- Trump’s comeback: THE DEATH OF LIBERALISM
- Palestine movement impasse: Where to now?
- Partisan Defence Committee, Summer 2024/25
- How Hawke and Keating beat the left
- Abolish the monarchy! For a workers republic!
- Debate with the IBT: Permanent Revolution & the fight for revolutionary leadership today
- South Africa | How we got here, how to fight back
- Defend Xolani Khoza!
- CFMEU takeover: “What the f**k happened?”
- Workers need class-struggle leadership
- Cops out of the workers movement!