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Michael Pröbsting, International Secretary of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT) and well-known pro-Palestine activist, was sentenced to a 6-months suspended prison sentence in May for standing firm in defense of the Palestinians against the Zionist state of Israel. This means that he can be thrown into prison at any time at the state’s whim. While the bombing of Gaza continues uninterrupted, Michael's appeal hearing will now take place in Vienna on August 21. Michael’s conviction is a sinister threat that affects all those who oppose the genocide in Palestine!

The RCIT and Palestine Solidarity Austria are calling for a protest rally on August 21 in front of the Vienna Higher Regional Court. It is in the interest of the workers movement to support this protest. The Spartakist-Arbeiterpartei and the Komitee für soziale Verteidigung call on everyone to take part in this rally and protest against the state repression against Michael Pröbsting. Down with the hate speech paragraph 282! Down with the sentence against Michael!

In Austria, just as in Germany, solidarity with the Palestinian people is hypocritically denounced as “anti-Semitism,” while it is precisely the ruling capitalists who are once again participating in genocide. As we emphasized in the spring rallies in solidarity with Michael in front of Austrian embassies and consulates in Berlin, London, New York, Mexico and elsewhere, his conviction serves as a precedent for the further intensification of incitement against pro-Palestinian activists throughout Western Europe.

All out to the protest:

August 21, at 9 a.m. in front of the Vienna Higher Regional Court
(Schmerlingplatz 11) in Grete-Rehor-Park
  • Down with the charges against Michael!
  • Hands off pro-Palestinian activists!

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