13 Issues

- Pandemic, crisis, lockdowns: Labour and union tops betray. For a revolutionary programme!
- SL/B 25th National Conference : In defence of the revolutionary programme (II)
- Down with AUKUS! Down with British imperialism! Defend China!
- Down with the lockdowns! The working class must defend itself
- Lessons of Corbyn: Bankruptcy of left Labourism
- George Crawford 1943-2021
- They’re all in this together. Break the syphilitic chain! Reforge the Fourth International!
- “Who is master in the house?”
- Reclaiming our revolutionary continuity
- Notice to our readers

Ibagsak ang mga Lockdown!
Uring Manggagawa Magtanggol sa Sarili
Bumaklas sa mga Taksil sa Paggawa—Muling Pandayin ang Ika-Apat na Internasyonal!

Kahrolsun Kapanmalar!
İşçi Sınıfı Kendini Savunmak Zorunda
İşçi hareketinin ihanetçilerinden ayrılın—Dördüncü Enternasyonal’i yeniden kurun!

A baix els confinaments!
La classe obrera s’ha de defensar
Hem de trencar amb els dirigents obrers traïdors – Reforgem la IV Internacional!

¡Abajo los confinamientos!
La clase obrera debe defenderse
¡Romper con los traidores al proletariado! ¡Reforjar la IV Internacional!

تسقُط كلُّ أشكال الحَجْر والأغلاق التام
يجب على الطبقة العاملة أن تدافع عن نفسها
قاطعو خونة العمال – من أجل أعادة تشكيل الأممية الرابعة

Abbasso i lockdown!
La classe operaia deve difendersi
Rompere con i dirigenti operai traditori Riforgiare la Quarta internazionale!

À bas les confinements !
La classe ouvrière doit se défendre
Il faut rompre avec les dirigeants ouvriers traîtres – Reforgeons la IVe Internationale !

Down With the Lockdowns!
The Working Class Must Defend Itself
Break with the Labor Traitors—Reforge the Fourth International!