The Democrats have nothing to offer workers, immigrants or black people. Instead, they fight to convince the oppressed that they have no option but to vote for the “lesser evil,” while doing all they can to erase other options from the ballot. Workers have never gotten anything by supporting either of the bosses’ parties, and in this election there is a working-class alternative—one that the Democrats are desperately trying to suppress.
The PSL candidates are clear about their opposition to both imperialist parties—Republican and Democrat—and about their opposition to capitalism. Regardless of whether Harris or Trump comes out on top in this election, it will be bad news for workers and the oppressed. The best hope for November is to land a blow against the class enemy—expressed clearly in class terms—by voting for the PSL. This will put black people, workers and all the oppressed in a better position to wage the necessary class struggle against the next administration.
Every self-identified socialist should vigorously protest the exclusion of a working-class option from the ballot. Hell, anyone claiming to defend democratic rights should be outraged by these attacks on third parties. Right now, it is essential that the left, workers and all the oppressed fight for the right of the PSL (and others) to appear on the ballot, and vote for the PSL’s Claudia and Karina in November—even if the capitalist masters force us to write them in.
The Partisan Defense Committee and the SL/U.S. have sent donations to support the PSL in this fight. We encourage you to do the same at