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18 Sept. 2024

To: Trade unions, student organisations, socialists

Dear comrades,

Everyone in the cross-hairs of the neoliberal ANC-DA government has an urgent interest in mobilising to defend EFF militant Xolani Gregory Khoza. Khoza is facing charges of incitement to commit terrorism, public violence and intimidation. His “crime”? Posting a TikTok video calling for a shutdown to protest the so-called Government of National Unity. Xolani was targeted by the state after he played a leading role in a SACCAWU strike in Mbombela in May.

Trade unionists, student organisations, radical nationalists, socialists: This is an attack on all of us. Xolani’s persecution is a blatant assault on freedom of speech which threatens to brand any who would resist the attacks of the GNU as “terrorists”. We need to fight this!

On 2 September, Spartacist/South Africa and EFF Ward 29, Enhlanzeni, brought out dozens for a united-front protest outside the Mbombela courthouse where Xolani appeared for trial. Now we must build on this to pull together far broader forces to defend him when he is due in court again on 27 September. The postponement of his trial gives an opportunity to build on that in order to bring out more forces in support of Xolani on the 27th. The only reliable force that can bring justice for Xolani is mobilisation of the masses.

Our two organisations are again organising a protest outside the courthouse on 27 September based on the demands: “Drop the Charges, Now! Down With the Social Media Ban and State Surveillance!” We appeal to your organisations to join our united-front committee, which is based on agreement with those demands. A united front is the best way to mobilise a powerful, united effort to press for justice for Xolani, including contingents from trade unions, the campuses and the community.

This Committee would be useful for a number of things, including the following:

1) Publicising Xolani’s case in Mpumalanga and nationally. The white-dominated mainstream media has imposed a news blackout on the case, which the Committee should break through by using social media and reaching out to sympathetic journalists.

2) Pushing SACCAWU and other trade unions in your area to mobilise their members and resources. That trade-union activists have an immediate interest in his defence is only underscored by the fact that Xolani is being victimised not least for his role in the strike at Spar.

3) Organising transportation to the protest on the 27th, from townships and campuses in your area as well as from Gauteng and possibly other places outside Mpumalanga.

4) Raising funds for Xolani’s legal defence and for the protest mobilisation.

Organisations which join the Committee should would still be able to issue their own statements for the protest. The Committee would give these groups a way to combine their efforts without giving up their independent political views – to “march separately, and strike together”. Sign the endorsement form for the protest and join the fight! Mobilise now!


Dinopolo Tladi
For Spartacist/South Africa and the Committee to Defend Xolani Khoza