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On September 2, some 40 people mobilized by Spartacist/South Africa and a local chapter of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) demonstrated outside the courthouse in Mbombela, Mpumalanga Province, to demand that charges against EFF member Xolani Khoza be dropped.

Xolani faces charges of incitement to commit terrorism, public violence and intimidation. His “crime”? Posting a TikTok video calling for a national shutdown to protest against the so-called “Government of National Unity” (GNU)—a coalition of the ANC and the openly pro-imperialist and white-dominated Democratic Alliance—and for the removal of President Ramaphosa. In May, shortly before his arrest, Xolani played a militant and leading role in a South African Commercial Catering and Allied Workers Union strike. The protest was initiated by our comrades and endorsed by the General Industries Workers Union of South Africa, the Workers & Socialist Party and several individuals.

Spartacist speakers noted that behind Xolani’s prosecution is the ruling class’ fear that mass struggle, particularly by the black proletariat, could challenge the GNU’s pro-imperialist agenda. They went on to stress that defending him is an urgent and necessary first step in the fight to organize a broad struggle in defense of the working class and all the oppressed against the GNU onslaught. 

Dimeji Macaulay, from the Workers and Youth Solidarity Network in Nigeria, sent greetings to the protest: “Solidarity with all South Africa workers fighting against imperialism, fighting against racism, fighting against xenophobia.” He also called attention to the continued incarceration of about 2,000 protesters in early August for demonstrating against imperialist-imposed austerity measures. (See AmaBolsheviki Amnyama supplement “Stop the Bloody Crackdown on Nigeria Protests!”, 6 August.) Among those arrested was Youth Rights Campaign leader Adaramoye Michael (“Michael Lenin”).

Released on bail, Xolani is banned from posting or communicating on social media, an expression of the white rulers’ recognition that neo-apartheid South Africa is a tinderbox and their guise of “national unity” is extremely fragile. At the prosecutor’s request, Xolani’s trial was postponed to September 27. A much larger show of support is called for—crucially including international support. We urge unions, left and student organizations and land rights groups to flood the South African government with messages demanding: Drop the charges! Hands off Xolani Khoza!