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Albanese has pulled the trigger, sacking hundreds of CFMEU officials and putting the union under the control of government-appointed administrators effective immediately. This is a full-frontal assault on the entire workers movement. This attack can be defeated. It is not too late, but what needs to happen is determined strike action against the bosses and their rotten Labor government.

The CFMEU has called rallies in defence of the union on Tuesday in most capital cities. Good! Not a single site should be working—CFMEU and all construction workers must down tools. But this must be just the start. To send the administrators packing and defeat this takeover, workers need to make clear that this strike will not end until the government gets its hands off the CFMEU.

Now is the time to strike. Construction workers the country over know that their future is on the line and there needs to be a fight. CFMEU workers must take the lead and make sure that all sites are locked down tight with mass pickets until the union is back in their hands. Key to winning this battle is reaching out to all other workers being beaten down by the same Labor government and extending the struggle to other industries. Make Albo regret ever trying to bat for the bosses. Dare to fight, fight to win!