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Translated from ¡DESPIERTEN! (Spanish), Spartacist (edición en español) supplement

The following leaflet was issued as a Spanish Spartacist supplement on 7 May.

The entire left is in denial. Milei is moving forward with his reactionary plan to smash the workers movement and sell the country to the imperialists. And the truth is that he faces no serious opposition. The union bureaucracy is openly betraying our interests: while they organize demonstrations and strikes once in a while, they have clearly shown that they do not want to confront the government. In fact, they have done the opposite. Their rotten “Social Contract” with the government sells out the workers to Milei. If things continue this way, the workers movement will suffer a historic defeat, with catastrophic consequences for all of Latin America.

But the left criminally refuses to change the course of events and challenge the current leadership of the workers movement. They can criticize the union bureaucracy and call for national strikes, but they do not seek to mobilize the rank and file of the unions to repudiate the betrayal of their leaderships and fight against the plundering of the nation.

This bankruptcy was clearly seen on May Day. Most of the left boycotted the union demonstration and called for “independent” demonstrations separate from the bulk of the working class. They claimed that the union bureaucracy is totally discredited and there are no illusions in it, or treated workers going to protests called by the CGT union federation as if they were complicit in their leaders’ betrayals. Instead of offering the tens of thousands of unionized workers a true opposition to the CGT bureaucracy, the left isolated itself in its own castle. This meant leaving the working class in the hands of their Peronist leadership, without any challenge.

Meanwhile, the FIT-U [electoral coalition of Trotskyist organizations] has no idea how to advance the struggle. It cheered the massive 23 April mobilization against the threatened closure of universities. But the next day, everybody was back in class as if nothing had happened. No further university mobilizations or strikes have been called. Nobody has any serious proposal about how to advance the struggle to defeat Milei after the 9 May general strike.

The left must urgently change course. It must unite around a clear plan of struggle, take this plan to the unions and use it to throw out the current treacherous leaders.

We propose the following program:

For a Fighting Front Against the Plundering of the Nation!

  1. Wage increases linked to real inflation!
  2. Reverse all privatizations!
  3. Cancel the foreign debt!
  4. Throw Milei out!
  5. For a government of the CGT, the CTAs and the FIT-U!