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S’han trobat 82 resultats en 17 publicacions periòdiques
  1. Marxists & Palestine: 100 Years of Failure

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 d’agost de 2024
    ...road than to break up Israel from within. Even if Israel were somehow defeated through...
  2. Ang Rebolusyonaryong Landas para sa Pagpapalaya ng Palestine

    Spartacist (Tagalog) (tl)| 10 d’octubre de 2023
    ...aapi ng Israel sa mga Palestino. Ang pangkalahatang tungkulin ng mga rebolusyonaryo sa Israel ay...
  3. Um caminho revolucionário para a libertação palestina

    Publicações em português (pt)| 10 d’octubre de 2023
    ...palestinos por parte de Israel. A tarefa fundamental dos revolucionários em Israel é precisamente lutar...
  4. Um caminho revolucionário para a libertação palestina

    Publicações em português (pt)| 22 d’abril de 2024
    ...palestinos por parte de Israel. A tarefa fundamental dos revolucionários em Israel é precisamente lutar...
  5. Sólo muerte y derrota con Hamás: Un camino revolucionario para la liberación palestina

    Spartacist (edición en español) (es)| 10 d’octubre de 2023
    ...por parte de Israel. La tarea fundamental de los revolucionarios en Israel es precisamente luchar...
  6. Sólo muerte y derrota con Hamás: Un camino revolucionario para la liberación palestina

    Spartacist (edición en español) (es)| 31 d’octubre de 2023
    ...por parte de Israel. La tarea fundamental de los revolucionarios en Israel es precisamente luchar...
  7. Exchanges between Korean Bolshevik Group and ICL

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 28 de març de 2024
    ...any of these questions. Israel/Palestine On the question of Israel and Palestine, we would...
  8. To defend Palestine: Break the U.S. connection in the workers movement

    Red Battler (en)| 25 d’abril de 2024
    ...hardline support to Israel. Some liberal commentators put Australia’s embrace of Israel down to its...
  9. To Defend Palestine: Break the U.S. Connection in the Workers Movement!

    Spartacist League of Australia Statements (en)| 7 de març de 2024
    ...hardline support to Israel. Some liberal commentators put Australia’s embrace of Israel down to its...
  10. A revolutionary road for Palestinian liberation

    Workers Hammer (en)| 19 de desembre de 2023
    ...issued on 10 October 2023, shortly after Israel began its genocidal war on Gaza. Let’s...
  11. A Revolutionary Road for Palestinian Liberation

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 10 d’octubre de 2023
    ...mass murder at the hands of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), the international workers movement...
  12. A Revolutionary Road for Palestinian Liberation

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 d’agost de 2024
    ...mass murder at the hands of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), the international workers movement...
  13. A Revolutionary Road for Palestinian Liberation

    Workers Vanguard (en)| 22 de desembre de 2023
    ...mass murder at the hands of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), the international workers movement...
  14. Exchange on Spartacist No. 68: On the Malvinas/Falklands War and Permanent Revolution

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 26 de març de 2024
    ...Spartacist section in Israel, the SL abandoned the traditional Shachtmanite position that Israel should have...
  15. Hamas bringt nur Tod und Niederlage: Ein revolutionärer Weg zur Befreiung der Palästinenser

    Spartacist (deutschsprachige Ausgabe) (de)| 10 d’octubre de 2023
    ...Unterdrückung der Palästinenser durch Israel. Die vorrangige Aufgabe von Revolutionären in Israel besteht gerade darin...
  16. Ein revolutionärer Weg zur Befreiung der Palästinenser

    Spartacist (deutschsprachige Ausgabe) (de)| 17 de desembre de 2023
    ...Unterdrückung der Palästinenser durch Israel. Die vorrangige Aufgabe von Revolutionären in Israel besteht gerade darin...
  17. Ein revolutionärer Weg zur Befreiung der Palästinenser

    Spartakist (de)| 12 d’octubre de 2023
    ...Unterdrückung der Palästinenser durch Israel. Die vorrangige Aufgabe von Revolutionären in Israel besteht gerade darin...
  18. Liberal outrage won’t stop Gaza massacre

    Workers Hammer (en)| 20 d’octubre de 2023
    Israel is raining death and fire on Gaza, murdering children and innocents by the thousands...
  19. Liberal outrage won’t stop Gaza massacre

    Workers Hammer (en)| 19 de desembre de 2023
    ...the following statement on 20 October 2023. Israel is raining death and fire on Gaza...
  20. Defend Palestine! Defend Iran!

    Workers Hammer (en)| 23 d’abril de 2024
    ...the conflict between Israel and Iran is rapidly escalating. On April 1, Israel flattened part...
  21. Defend Palestine! Defend Iran!

    Workers Vanguard (en)| 16 d’abril de 2024
    ...the conflict between Israel and Iran is rapidly escalating. On April 1, Israel flattened part...
  22. Defend Palestine! Defend Iran!

    Red Battler (en)| 25 d’abril de 2024
    ...the conflict between Israel and Iran is rapidly escalating. On April 1, Israel flattened part...
  23. Verteidigt Palästina! Verteidigt Iran!

    Spartakist (de)| 18 d’abril de 2024
    ...Konflikt zwischen Israel und dem Iran sehr schnell. Am 1. April zerstörte Israel einen Teil...
  24. For Palestinian Liberation! For Quebec Liberation!

    Workers Tribune (en)| 8 de setembre de 2024
    ...exports millions of dollars in weapons to Israel. It is Québécois workers and their brothers...
  25. For Palestinian Liberation! For Quebec Liberation!

    Workers Vanguard (en)| 22 de desembre de 2023
    ...exports millions of dollars in weapons to Israel. It is Québécois workers and their brothers...
  26. Una via revolucionària per a l’alliberament de Palestina

    Publicacions en català (ca)| 21 d’abril de 2024
    ...projecte sionista. Actualment els Estats Units i Israel asseguren els seus interessos a l’Orient Mitjà...
  27. Welchen Weg vorwärts für die Palästina-Bewegung?

    Spartakist (de)| 22 d’abril de 2024
    ...Völkermords an den Palästinensern. Jegliche Kritik an Israel wird zu „Antisemitismus“ erklärt – mit dem...
  28. From DSA to UAW: Support to Democrats Is Support to Genocide

    Workers Vanguard (en)| 22 de desembre de 2023
    ...his saying that indiscriminate bombing could lose Israel support, as possible evidence that Biden is...
  29. Wählt DKP!

    Spartakist (de)| 31 de maig de 2024
    ...Bundeswehr, liefert Waffen an die Ukraine und Israel und unterstützt den Genozid an den Palästinensern...
  30. ¡Vota por la clase obrera! ¡Vota por el PSL!

    El Antiimperialista (es)| 1 de juliol de 2024
    ...mantener un puesto de avanzada imperialista en Israel e ir tras de China. Biden, haciendo...
  31. Fight Poilievre ! Dump Trudeau & Singh !

    Workers Tribune (en)| 8 de setembre de 2024
    ...against Quebec. They say NATO, Ukraine and Israel must be supported at all costs as...
  32. Vote Working Class—Vote PSL!

    Workers Vanguard (en)| 16 d’abril de 2024
    ...comes to maintaining an imperialist outpost in Israel and targeting China. Biden, echoing Trump, has...
  33. For Labor Action to Stop U.S./Israeli Genocide in Gaza

    Workers Vanguard (en)| 16 d’abril de 2024
    ...of bombs and other war material to Israel. I urge others to fight in their...
  34. Em defesa da revolução permanente

    Publicações em português (pt)| 22 d’abril de 2024
    ...interpenetrados, como a Irlanda do Norte ou Israel/Palestina, em que dois grupos nacionais têm...
  35. World in crisis | Lucky country in denial

    Red Battler (en)| 25 d’abril de 2024
    ...S. hegemony is under threat–from Ukraine to Israel. As the hegemony they’ve relied on crumbles...
  36. Zur Verteidigung der permanenten Revolution

    Spartacist (deutschsprachige Ausgabe) (de)| 17 de desembre de 2023
    ...Regionen mit vermischten Völkern wie Nordirland oder Israel/Palästina, wo zwei nationale Gruppen konkurrierende Ansprüche...
  37. For Communist Leadership of the Anti-Imperialist Struggle!

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 de setembre de 2023
    ...of interpenetrated peoples like Northern Ireland or Israel/Palestine, in which two national groups have...
  38. Tough Times Ahead

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 d’agost de 2024
    ...movement has remained impotent, unable to stop Israel in its tracks or end the support...
  39. En defensa de la revolución permanente: ¡Por una dirección comunista de la lucha antiimperialista!

    Spartacist (edición en español) (es)| 31 d’octubre de 2023
    ...pueblos interpenetrados como Irlanda del Norte o Israel/Palestina, en las que dos grupos nacionales...
  40. En defensa de la revolució permanent

    Publicacions en català (ca)| 21 d’abril de 2024
    ...s’interpenetren, com a Irlanda del Nord o Israel/Palestina, on dos grups nacionals tenen reivindicacions...
  41. 한국의 볼셰비키 그룹과 ICL 사이의 토론들

    Spartacist (Korean) (ko)| 1 de juny de 2024
    ...seen now, Hamas is militarily overwhelmed by Israel which is backed by the superpower, the...
  42. Landtagswahl Thüringen: Wählt MLPD!

    Spartakist (de)| 12 d’agost de 2024
    ...und unterstützen die Pro-NATO- und Pro-Israel-Linie der SPD. Das Ergebnis: Sie haben...
  43. Cold winter of reaction

    Workers Hammer (en)| 19 de desembre de 2023
    ...risk being seen as a supporter of Israel. Since no trade union or Labour leader...
  44. Partisan defence committee, Autumn 2024

    Workers Hammer (en)| 5 de setembre de 2024
    ...struggle! Draconian charges against Palestine Action As Israel continues its unrelenting genocidal war in Gaza...
  45. Spartacist League of Australia and Bolshevik-Leninist fuse

    Red Battler (en)| 25 d’abril de 2024
    ...empire even in decay, from AUKUS to Israel and Ukraine. If you are not clear...
  46. Verteidigt die Palästinenser in Gaza und Deutschland!

    Spartakist-Arbeiterpartei Deutschlands Erklärung (de)| 21 d’octubre de 2023
    ...und unter Schutz des Staates eine pro-Israel Demo am Brandenburger Tor durchführt und so...
  47. Landtagswahl Brandenburg: Unterstützt den Wahlantritt der DKP!

    Spartakist (de)| 15 de juliol de 2024
    ...in der Ukraine und der Unterstützung für Israel angeschlossen. All ihr Gerede gegen Aufrüstung und...
  48. Throw the Zionists out of Labour and TUC!

    Workers Hammer (en)| 9 de novembre de 2023
    ...Support to Zionism and the right of Israel to oppress Palestinians is a red line...
  49. Throw the Zionists out of Labour & TUC!

    Workers Hammer (en)| 19 de desembre de 2023
    ...Support to Zionism and the right of Israel to oppress Palestinians is a red line...
  50. Dump Starmer to defend Palestine!

    Workers Hammer (en)| 23 d’abril de 2024
    ...Israel and will defend genocide against the Palestinians for as long as he and Israel...
  51. Para liberar a Palestina y México: Lucha contra el imperialismo yanqui!

    El Antiimperialista (es)| 1 de juliol de 2024
    ...como que AMLO rompa relaciones diplomáticas con Israel o se boicoteen algunas empresas estadounidenses, son...
  52. A declina da hegemonia dos EUA e a luta pelo poder operario

    Publicações em português (pt)| 8 d’abril de 2024
    ...na autodeterminação da Escócia, na questão de Israel-Palestina, na OTAN e, mais decisivamente, no...
  53. A declina da hegemonia dos EUA e a luta pelo poder operario

    Publicações em português (pt)| 22 d’abril de 2024
    ...na autodeterminação da Escócia, na questão de Israel-Palestina, na OTAN e, mais decisivamente, no...
  54. Hands Off Samidoun!

    Partisan Defense Committee (en)| 8 de juny de 2024
    ...their senior partners in Washington, support to Israel is non-negotiable. For the “crime” of...
  55. Bolshevik-Leninists fuse, Revolutionary Regroupment splits

    Red Battler (en)| 25 d’abril de 2024
    ...from Laborism? Right now, backing AUKUS to Israel, the Australian ruling class and their ruling...
  56. Shut Down NYC Campuses to Defend Pro-Palestine Protests!

    Statements of the Spartacist League/U.S. (en)| 30 d’abril de 2024
    ...to end the student protest encampments as Israel gears up to massacre the population of...
  57. ¡Cerrar todos los campus para defender a los activistas pro-Palestina de UCLA!

    Statements of the Spartacist League/U.S. (es)| 4 de maig de 2024
    ...duró horas. Este asalto violento viene mientras Israel prepara con furia renovada la masacre de...
  58. Shut Down All Campuses to Defend UCLA Pro-Palestine Activists!

    Statements of the Spartacist League/U.S. (en)| 3 de maig de 2024
    ...and sticks. This violent assault comes as Israel prepares the slaughter of the Palestinians in...
  59. Verteidigt die Palästinenser in Gaza und Deutschland!

    Spartakist-Arbeiterpartei Deutschlands Erklärung (de)| 22 d’octubre de 2023
    ...heute am Brandenburger Tor ihre Unterstützung für Israel und seine anti-palästinensischen Angriffe zelebriert hat...
  60. Verteidigt die Palästina-Aktivisten an UCLA und Humboldt-Uni!

    Spartakist-Arbeiterpartei Deutschlands Erklärung (de)| 6 de maig de 2024
    ...Angriff erfolgt zu einem Zeitpunkt, an dem Israel das Abschlachten der Palästinenser in Rafah mit...
  61. Austria: Down With the Verdict Against Michael Pröbsting!

    Spartakist-Arbeiterpartei Deutschlands Erklärung (en)| 15 d’agost de 2024
    ...the Palestinians against the Zionist state of Israel. This means that he can be thrown...
  62. Österreich: Weg mit dem Urteil gegen Michael Pröbsting!

    Spartakist-Arbeiterpartei Deutschlands Erklärung (de)| 15 d’agost de 2024
    ...Verteidigung der Palästinenser gegen den zionistischen Staat Israel eintritt. Das heißt, er kann jederzeit beim...
  63. Der Niedergang der US-Hegemonie und der Kampf um die Arbeitermacht

    Spartacist (deutschsprachige Ausgabe) (de)| 17 de desembre de 2023
    ...Selbstbestimmung für Schottland, bei der Frage von Israel-Palästina, bei der NATO und ganz entscheidend...
  64. The Breakdown of U.S. Hegemony and the Struggle for Workers Power

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 de setembre de 2023
    ...determination for Scotland, on the question of Israel-Palestine, on NATO and most decisively on...
  65. The Class Nature of China

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 d’agost de 2024
    ...sanction the International Criminal Court for investigating Israel, considers defunding the UN and sometimes even...
  66. El declive del imperio de EE.UU. y la lucha por el poder obrero: Un programa para la IV Internacional

    Spartacist (edición en español) (es)| 31 d’octubre de 2023
    ...autodeterminación de Escocia, a la cuestión de Israel- Palestina, sobre la OTAN y, más decisivamente...
  67. Election result: Bad for workers

    Workers Hammer (en)| 19 de juliol de 2024
    ...that he would support any military action Israel undertakes. Corbyn refused, but he also betrayed...
  68. Class-struggle fighter elected in US dockers union

    Workers Hammer (en)| 19 de desembre de 2023
    ...U.S. military operations, whether involving Ukraine, Israel or China. Oppose the Democrats and the...
  69. Ukraine war: What strategy for Marxists?

    Workers Hammer (en)| 19 de desembre de 2023
    ...in particular to Ukraine and now to Israel, is precisely what obstructs both working-class...
  70. Vote working class!

    Workers Hammer (en)| 8 de juny de 2024
    ...a Starmer government, which will fully back Israel. Also, since the start of the Ukraine...
  71. How London liberals fuel the far right

    Workers Hammer (en)| 5 de setembre de 2024
    ...a hindrance to austerity, continued support to Israel or the need for military rearmament. In...
  72. Election result: Bad for workers

    Workers Hammer (en)| 5 de setembre de 2024
    ...that he would support any military action Israel undertakes. Corbyn refused, but he also betrayed...
  73. Stop the Witchhunt Against Charlotte Kates!

    Workers Tribune (en)| 8 de setembre de 2024
    ...their senior partners in Washington, support to Israel is non-negotiable. For the “crime” of...
  74. How to Prepare for Battles Ahead

    Workers Vanguard (en)| 22 de desembre de 2023
    ...to shut down production! No weapons to Israel! The UAW recently passed a resolution asking...
  75. Union Militant Elected in ILWU Local 10

    Workers Vanguard (en)| 22 de desembre de 2023
    ...U.S. military operations, whether involving Ukraine, Israel or China. Oppose the Democrats and the...
  76. Hands Off Pro-Palestinian Demonstrators!

    Workers Vanguard (en)| 22 de desembre de 2023
    ...concrete action to stop arms shipments to Israel. The unions must also take actions against...
  77. German Spartacists Defy Ban, Defend Palestinians

    Workers Vanguard (en)| 22 de desembre de 2023
    ...Left Party, was celebrating its support for Israel and its anti-Palestinian attacks at Brandenburg...
  78. Free Georges Ibrahim Abdallah!

    Workers Vanguard (en)| 16 d’abril de 2024
    ...backed invasion and occupation of Lebanon by Israel. Some 20,000 Lebanese and Palestinians were...
  79. Defend Pro-Palestinian Campus Protesters!

    Workers Vanguard (en)| 16 d’abril de 2024
    ...funds from companies that do business in Israel. For protesting in the hallway outside the...
  80. DSA Left Must Choose

    Workers Vanguard (en)| 16 d’abril de 2024
    ...are bound up with the maintenance of Israel as a bulwark in the Middle East...
  81. For a Fighting ILWU!

    Workers Vanguard (en)| 6 de novembre de 2023
    ...U.S. military operations, whether involving Ukraine, Israel or China. Oppose the Democrats and the...

    Workers Vanguard (es)| 27 d’abril de 2024
    Israel lleva seis meses masacrando a los palestinos sin que se vislumbre el final. Los...