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S’han trobat 34 resultats en 12 publicacions periòdiques
  1. Open letter to Socialist Appeal

    Workers Hammer (en)| 20 de maig de 2023
    Open letter to Socialist Appeal
  2. Cold winter of reaction

    Workers Hammer (en)| 19 de desembre de 2023
    ...The Morning Star, Socialist Worker, the Socialist, Socialist Appeal etc all have their own campaign...
  3. La CMI funda la ICR: El GRANT salto adelante

    El Antiimperialista (es)| 1 de juliol de 2024
    ...Fue la sección británica de la CMI, Socialist Appeal (SA), la primera que empezó a...
  4. La TMI fonde l’ICR : Le GRANT bond en avant

    Le Bolchévik (fr)| 14 de maig de 2024
    ...C’était la section britannique de la TMI, Socialist Appeal (SA), qui la première a commencé...
  5. La Tmi fonda l’Internazionale comunista rivoluzionaria: Il GRANT balzo in avanti

    Spartaco (it)| 28 de maig de 2024
    ...È stata la sezione britannica della Tmi, Socialist Appeal (Sa), che ha iniziato a promuovere...
  6. IMT founds RCI: The GRANT leap forward

    Workers Hammer (en)| 23 d’abril de 2024
    ...Britain. It was the IMT’s British section, Socialist Appeal (SA), which first started agitating for...
  7. The GRANT Leap Forward

    Workers Tribune (en)| 8 de setembre de 2024
    ...Britain. It was the IMT’s British section, Socialist Appeal (SA), which first started agitating for...
  8. Down with AUKUS! Down with British imperialism! Defend China!

    Workers Hammer (en)| 22 de desembre de 2021
    ...The fake-Trotskyist left echoes Corbyn, with Socialist Appeal whining: “How many homes, schools or...
  9. Tories on life support...union tops won’t pull the plug

    Workers Hammer (en)| 28 de gener de 2023
    ...Party (SP), the Socialist Workers Party (SWP), Socialist Appeal etc either openly hail the current...
  10. Verteidigung des revolutionären Programms (II): Die Wiederbewaffnung der Spartacist League/Britain

    Spartacist (deutschsprachige Ausgabe) (de)| 1 de maig de 2023
    ...Party, Socialist Party, Communist Party of Britain, Socialist Appeal, Revolutionary Communist Group usw. – war...
  11. In Defence of the Revolutionary Programme (II)

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 d’agost de 2022
    ...Party, Socialist Party, Communist Party of Britain, Socialist Appeal, Revolutionary Communist Group, etc — has...
  12. La Spartacist League/Britain se rearma: En defensa del programa revolucionario (II)

    Spartacist (edición en español) (es)| 1 d’octubre de 2022
    ...Party, Socialist Party, Communist Party of Britain, Socialist Appeal, Revolutionary Communist Group, etc.— ha...
  13. La Spartacist League/Britain se réarme: En défense du programme révolutionnaire (II)

    Spartacist (édition en Français) (fr)| 1 de novembre de 2022
    ...Party, Socialist Party, Communist Party of Britain, Socialist Appeal, Revolutionary Communist Group, etc.) a non...
  14. Die Arbeiter müssen das Land regieren!

    Spartakist (de)| 31 d’octubre de 2022
    ...tun. Während Gruppen wie die Socialist Party, Socialist Appeal, die Socialist Workers Party und die...
  15. Pandemic, crisis, lockdowns: Labour and union tops betray. For a revolutionary programme!

    Workers Hammer (en)| 22 de desembre de 2021
    ...Party, Socialist Party, Communist Party of Britain, Socialist Appeal, Revolutionary Communist Group, etc — has...
  16. To hell with half measures - Workers must run the country!

    Workers Hammer (en)| 15 de setembre de 2022
    ...exactly. While groups like the Socialist Party, Socialist Appeal, the Socialist Workers Party and the...
  17. How to rebuild union power

    Workers Hammer (en)| 20 de maig de 2023
    ...Young Communist League, the Socialist Workers Party, Socialist Appeal, the Socialist Party and others have...

    Workers Hammer (en)| 20 de maig de 2023
    ...hostility. Groups like the Socialist Party and Socialist Appeal have refused to respond to our...
  19. Gran Bretaña | El programa para las huelgas del NHS: Salarios altos, Atención médica de calidad, ¡Liberación de la mujer!

    El Antiimperialista (es)| 1 de maig de 2023
    ...huelgas del NHS. Tómese por ejemplo a Socialist Appeal. Esta revista escribe con frecuencia sobre...
  20. Grande-Bretagne – Programme pour les grèves du NHS

    Le Bolchévik (fr)| 1 de juny de 2023
    ...grèves au NHS. Prenons les gens de Socialist Appeal. Ils écrivent fréquemment sur l’oppression des...
  21. Η Κηδεία της Βασίλισσας - Οι Επαναστάτες Διαδηλώνουν, οι Ρεφορμιστές Υποκλίνονται

    Ο Μπολσεβίκος (el)| 18 de desembre de 2022
    ...ομάδες όπως το Σοσιαλιστικό Εργατικό Κόμμα, η Socialist Appeal, το Σοσιαλιστικό Κόμμα και άλλοι υποτιθέμενοι...
  22. Marxists & Palestine: 100 Years of Failure

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 d’agost de 2024
    ...masses have anything to gain from it” (Socialist Appeal, December 1947). For its part, the...
  23. Los marxistas y Palestina: Cien años de fracasos

    Spartacist (edición en español) (es)| 18 de setembre de 2024
    ...árabes tienen nada que ganar de ella” (Socialist Appeal, diciembre de 1947). Por su parte...
  24. Londra: funerale della regina, I rivoluzionari protestano, i riformisti si inginocchiano

    Spartaco (it)| 27 de novembre de 2022
    ...cui gruppi come il Socialist Workers Party, Socialist Appeal, il Socialist Party ed altri presunti...
  25. Revolutionaries protest, reformists prostrate

    Workers Hammer (en)| 22 de setembre de 2022
    ...why groups like the Socialist Workers Party, Socialist Appeal, the Socialist Party and other supposed...
  26. Liberal outrage won’t stop Gaza massacre

    Workers Hammer (en)| 20 d’octubre de 2023
    ...pro-imperialist Unite leader Sharon Graham (read: Socialist Appeal, Socialist Party, Socialist Alternative), or give...
  27. Programme for NHS strikes: High wages, Quality healthcare, Women’s liberation!

    Workers Hammer (en)| 28 de gener de 2023
    ...women’s oppression and the NHS strikes. Take Socialist Appeal for example. They frequently write about...
  28. Revolutionaries protest, reformists prostrate

    Workers Hammer (en)| 28 de gener de 2023
    ...why groups like the Socialist Workers Party, Socialist Appeal, the Socialist Party and other supposed...
  29. For united class-struggle defence!

    Workers Hammer (en)| 19 de desembre de 2023
    ...been suppressed for pro-Palestine activity, including Socialist Appeal, Socialist Alternative, the CPGB-ML and...
  30. NEU lefts up close: opportunism and adventurism

    Workers Hammer (en)| 19 de desembre de 2023
    ...the National Executive) and other groups like Socialist Appeal and Socialist Alternative. Despite all they...
  31. Liberal outrage won’t stop Gaza massacre

    Workers Hammer (en)| 19 de desembre de 2023
    ...pro-imperialist Unite leader Sharon Graham (read: Socialist Appeal, Socialist Party, Socialist Alternative), or give...
  32. TUSC, CPGB and Leninism

    Workers Hammer (en)| 23 d’abril de 2024
    ...the Socialist Workers Party, the Socialist Party, Socialist Appeal, etc. The problem is that these...
  33. Correction

    Workers Vanguard (en)| 17 de març de 2023
    ...29 May 2020), the caption for the Socialist Appeal announcing the founding of the Fourth...
  34. Program for NHS Strikes in Britain: High Wages, Quality Health Care, Women’s Liberation!

    Workers Vanguard (en)| 5 de maig de 2023
    ...women’s oppression and the NHS strikes. Take Socialist Appeal [affiliated with Socialist Revolution in the...