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Found 14 results in 4 periodicals
  1. In Defence of the Revolutionary Programme (II)

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 August 2022
    ...Winter 2021-2022), newspaper of the Spartacist League/Britain. It has been adapted for publication...
  2. Greetings to the Fusion Conference of the SL/A and B-L

    Red Battler (en)| 25 April 2024
    ...B-L Fusion Conference. Spartacist League/Britain The Spartacist League/Britain sends revolutionary greetings to...
  3. Editorial - A World in Turmoil

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 August 2022
    ...December 2021 National Conference of the Spartacist League/Britain. “In Defence of the Revolutionary Programme...
  4. George Crawford

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 August 2022
    ...a consultative member of both the Spartacist League/Britain Central Committee and the ICL’s International...
  5. Why the ICL Collapsed & How We Reforged It

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 September 2023
    ...political point was crucial in the Spartacist League/Britain, where to put the section back...
  6. Queen croaks, Labourites crawl

    Workers Hammer (en)| 9 September 2022
    ...Kingdom! For workers republics! For the international soviet! — Spartacist League/Britain 9 September 2022
  7. Spartacist League vs. the CPGB on 2024 election: Debating with Labourites

    Workers Hammer (en)| 27 May 2024
    ...a thin “communist” veneer. Comradely, Vincent David Spartacist League/Britain Central Committee 27 May 2024
  8. Pandemic, crisis, lockdowns: Labour and union tops betray. For a revolutionary programme!

    Workers Hammer (en)| 22 December 2021
    ...the 25th National Conference of the Spartacist League/Britain (see page 3). The Covid-­19...
  9. George Crawford 1943-2021

    Workers Hammer (en)| 22 December 2021
    ...both the Central Committee of the Spartacist League/Britain and the IEC. George grew up...
  10. Reclaiming our revolutionary continuity

    Workers Hammer (en)| 22 December 2021
    The Spartacist League/Britain was founded in 1978 in a fusion between the London Spartacist...
  11. Queen croaks, Labourites crawl

    Workers Hammer (en)| 15 September 2022
    ...Kingdom! For workers republics! For the international soviet! — Spartacist League/Britain 9 September 2022
  12. For united class-struggle defence!

    Workers Hammer (en)| 19 December 2023 an outrage. We in the Spartacist League/Britain stand in solidarity with them and...
  13. Ukraine war: What strategy for Marxists?

    Workers Hammer (en)| 19 December 2023
    ...nearing the two-year mark, the Spartacist League/Britain debated the Bolshevik Tendency (BT) at...
  14. Program for NHS Strikes in Britain: High Wages, Quality Health Care, Women’s Liberation!

    Workers Vanguard (en)| 5 May 2023
    ...newspaper of our comrades of the Spartacist League/Britain. The NHS [National Health Service] has...