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Found 35 results in 4 periodicals
  1. In Defence of the Revolutionary Programme (II)

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 August 2022
    ...workers is the British capitalists! Opposition to British imperialism is posed pointblank with the need...
  2. SL/B 25th National Conference : In defence of the revolutionary programme (II)

    Workers Hammer (en)| 22 December 2021 being “neoliberal” and an obstacle to British imperialism implementing social-democratic policies [see “The...
  3. Down with AUKUS! Down with British imperialism! Defend China!

    Workers Hammer (en)| 22 December 2021
    Down with AUKUS! Down with British imperialism! Defend China!
  4. Marxists & Palestine: 100 Years of Failure

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 August 2024
    ...economic basis for a separate Zionist state. British imperialism used the Haganah, a Zionist militia...
  5. Stop arms shipments to Ukraine! The main enemy is at home!

    Workers Hammer (en)| 8 September 2023
    ...and kick NATO out. The involvement of British imperialism has never done any good anywhere...
  6. Ukraine war: What strategy for Marxists?

    Workers Hammer (en)| 19 December 2023
    ...the workers movement behind the interests of British imperialism. The same has been happening in...
  7. For National Liberation and Black Proletarian Power!

    AmaBolsheviki Amnyama (en)| 8 October 2023
    ...and segregation to meet the demands of British imperialism for cheap labour and natural resources...
  8. Letter to South African Revolutionaries

    AmaBolsheviki Amnyama (en)| 8 October 2023
    ...retention of British imperialism in the South African dominion. The overthrow of British imperialism in...
  9. Down with the monarchy!

    Workers Hammer (en)| 28 January 2023
    ...Brixton we remember the hideous crimes of British imperialism during her reign: Queen Elizabeth lorded...
  10. Exchange on Spartacist No. 68: On the Malvinas/Falklands War and Permanent Revolution

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 26 March 2024
    ...does not close the matter. By attacking British imperialism, a historic oppressor of Argentina, the...
  11. Tories on life support...union tops won’t pull the plug

    Workers Hammer (en)| 28 January 2023
    ...crises to struggle against the EU, against British imperialism and against all wings of the...
  12. Cold winter of reaction

    Workers Hammer (en)| 19 December 2023 union leaders who either openly support British imperialism and Israel or make tepid speeches...
  13. Exchanges between Korean Bolshevik Group and ICL

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 28 March 2024
    ...of the working class in Britain against British imperialism. At this Congress we rejected the...
  14. Malvinas/Falklands War: The Main Enemy Was Imperialism

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 September 2023
    ...and the oppressed to overthrow Thatcher and British imperialism. The defeat of Argentina, as it...
  15. Revolutionaries protest, reformists prostrate

    Workers Hammer (en)| 22 September 2022
    ...the British monarchy and the crimes of British imperialism. Speeches at the demonstration included one...
  16. Pandemic, crisis, lockdowns: Labour and union tops betray. For a revolutionary programme!

    Workers Hammer (en)| 22 December 2021
    ...workers is the British capitalists! Opposition to British imperialism is posed pointblank with the need...
  17. Corbynism, pandemic, Ukraine and the Crown | Left Labourism in times of crisis

    Workers Hammer (en)| 15 September 2022
    ...NATO, against sanctions on Russia and against British imperialism. We need cheap gas: the Russians...
  18. Revolutionaries protest, reformists prostrate

    Workers Hammer (en)| 28 January 2023
    ...the British monarchy and the crimes of British imperialism. Speeches at the demonstration included one...
  19. Open letter to Socialist Appeal

    Workers Hammer (en)| 20 May 2023
    ...pacifism and is an unashamed supporter of British imperialism. Following the outbreak of the war...
  20. Why is the left so weak and divided?

    Workers Hammer (en)| 23 April 2024
    ...positioning himself as a total lackey of British imperialism and making it crystal clear that...
  21. A Revolutionary Road for Palestinian Liberation

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 10 October 2023
    ...part of the plan from the time British imperialism decided to back the Zionist project...
  22. A Revolutionary Road for Palestinian Liberation

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 August 2024
    ...part of the plan from the time British imperialism decided to back the Zionist project...
  23. Liberal outrage won’t stop Gaza massacre

    Workers Hammer (en)| 20 October 2023
    ...class itself which prevents any action against British imperialism and against Israel’s current onslaught. The...
  24. Election result: Bad for workers

    Workers Hammer (en)| 19 July 2024
    ...Muslims Labour’s support for the aims of British imperialism in Gaza has driven Muslims out...
  25. Lessons of Corbyn: Bankruptcy of left Labourism

    Workers Hammer (en)| 22 December 2021 explain is that Corbyn’s support to British imperialism, his defence of the EU, his...
  26. To hell with half measures - Workers must run the country!

    Workers Hammer (en)| 15 September 2022
    ...Russian gas in! Down with NATO and British imperialism! Ukrainian, Russian workers: Turn the guns...
  27. Programme for NHS strikes: High wages, Quality healthcare, Women’s liberation!

    Workers Hammer (en)| 28 January 2023
    ...the measures taken to shore up collapsing British imperialism after WWII. Attlee and arch-reactionary...

    Workers Hammer (en)| 20 May 2023
    ...bureaucrat, except that she supports NATO and British imperialism more openly than the pacifists. These...
  29. A revolutionary road for Palestinian liberation

    Workers Hammer (en)| 19 December 2023
    ...part of the plan from the time British imperialism decided to back the Zionist project...
  30. Liberal outrage won’t stop Gaza massacre

    Workers Hammer (en)| 19 December 2023
    ...class itself which prevents any action against British imperialism and against Israel’s current onslaught. The...
  31. Stick it to Labour — Vote Workers Party!

    Workers Hammer (en)| 8 June 2024
    ...candidates and vote only for those who stand for the workers movement against British imperialism.
  32. Election result: Bad for workers

    Workers Hammer (en)| 5 September 2024
    ...Muslims Labour’s support for the aims of British imperialism in Gaza has driven Muslims out...
  33. Mexico: Trotskyism vs. Populism. For Workers’ and National Emancipation!

    Workers Vanguard (en)| 5 May 2023
    ...of [Venustiano] Carranza (when Huerta leaned toward British imperialism) and again during the 1916 punitive...
  34. Program for NHS Strikes in Britain: High Wages, Quality Health Care, Women’s Liberation!

    Workers Vanguard (en)| 5 May 2023
    ...the measures taken to shore up collapsing British imperialism after WWII. Attlee and arch-reactionary...
  35. A Revolutionary Road for Palestinian Liberation

    Workers Vanguard (en)| 22 December 2023
    ...part of the plan from the time British imperialism decided to back the Zionist project...