It’s baffling how a publication like Workers Vanguard, a self-proclaimed Marxist newspaper affiliated with the Spartacist League and the International Communist League, presumes to understand or speak on behalf of the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA). Their recent article about the October 1st strike is not only riddled with falsehoods but also reflects their ideological bias and complete detachment from the realities of ILA members and leadership.
Let me set the record straight. The ILA and, most importantly, its members made history during a three-day strike starting October 1st. Our collective voice was loud, clear, and unrelenting. The result? A historic 62% wage increase—the largest percentage increase in organized labor history, as confirmed by the Department of Labor. This wasn’t achieved by accident or incompetence; it was a testament to the power of unity and the tireless effort of ILA workers.
No one in the ILA is “patting themselves on the back,” as the article falsely claims. The reason is simple: we’re too busy doing the work—fighting to secure a new Master Contract that covers members from Maine to Texas. This is the real work of the ILA: representing over 85,000 members and their families with integrity, diligence, and an unwavering focus on their best interests.
The article also suggests that the ILA cozies up to politicians, implying ulterior motives or weakness. Let me be clear: the ILA does not cozy up to anyone. What we do is our due diligence. We explore every avenue, engage with every stakeholder, and exhaust every possibility to secure the best outcomes for our members. Our focus is on action, not ideology, and our priority is ensuring the long-term security and prosperity of the hardworking men and women we represent.
Furthermore, the accusation that we undermined our strike by refusing to target military cargo is both irresponsible and deeply offensive. We are patriots first. The ILA will never take actions that harm our troops or our country. The safety and security of the nation remain our top priorities, and no amount of ideological posturing from groups like Workers Vanguard will change that.
Adding insult to injury, individuals representing Workers Vanguard were seen attempting to hand out these newsletters, clearly trying to cause turmoil and confusion among our members. Let me assure you: this newsletter couldn’t be farther from the truth. Its intent is not to inform but to mislead and sow division within our ranks.
Critics say we should’ve stayed out longer. That’s easier to say when you’re not the one responsible for people’s livelihoods and their welfare. The ILA sent a strong message—not just to our employers but to the world. Our voices will be heard, or you will find out exactly what we are capable of.
And to top it off, the author of this article doesn’t even have the integrity (they lack the moral fortitude and accountability) to even put their name on it. If they believe so strongly in these false claims, why hide in the shadows? This lack of accountability is typical of publications that aim to spread misinformation rather than engage in honest reporting.
The purpose of this article is clear—it seeks to create division and chaos within our ranks. But let me tell you what happened on October 1st: it was the largest display of solidarity this country has seen in a long time. ILA members stood shoulder to shoulder, united in purpose and vision. That’s something no propaganda piece can take away.
Unlike the authors of this article, the ILA understands the gravity of its decisions. Every move we make is calculated, responsible, and always aimed at achieving the best for our members and their families. And let me remind everyone of an important truth: the ILA is a democratic organization. At the end of the day, our members hold the final say when they vote to ratify a contract. That’s the true power of the ILA—our members, our solidarity, and our commitment to one another.
So, to Workers Vanguard and groups like it: you don’t deserve a second of our time. But we will always stand ready to rebut your lies with truth and to defend the integrity of our union and its members.
Dennis A. Daggett
Executive Vice President,
International Longshoremen’s Association