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Found 20 results in 1 periodicals
  1. Exchanges between Korean Bolshevik Group and ICL

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 28 March 2024
    ...articles related to the theme of “Imperialism, National Liberation Struggles and Socialist Revolution” to share...
  2. For Communist Leadership of the Anti-Imperialist Struggle!

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 September 2023
    ...maintain itself at the head of the national liberation struggle in order to contain and...
  3. In Defense of the Second and Fourth Comintern Congresses

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 September 2023
    ...nations the fight for leadership of the national liberation movement against the native bourgeoisie and...
  4. Marxists & Palestine: 100 Years of Failure

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 August 2024
    ...the Israeli working class runs through the national liberation of Palestine. As Engels wrote, no...
  5. Exchange on Spartacist No. 68: On the Malvinas/Falklands War and Permanent Revolution

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 26 March 2024
    ...consolidated interpenetrated nations. Yes, the struggle for national liberation and the struggle for socialism must...
  6. Argentina: To Defeat Milei, Fight for National Liberation!

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 19 January 2024
    Argentina: To Defeat Milei, Fight for National Liberation!
  7. Argentina: To Defeat Milei, Fight for National Liberation!

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 August 2024
    Argentina: To Defeat Milei, Fight for National Liberation!
  8. The LFI Chooses Sectarianism

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 3 November 2023
    ...hold of nationalism on the struggle for national liberation. Our central criticism of the ICL’s...
  9. The Breakdown of U.S. Hegemony and the Struggle for Workers Power

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 September 2023
    ...a party that combines the fight for national liberation with the need for class independence...
  10. Tough Times Ahead

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 August 2024
    ...century. The Palestinian cause is one of national liberation. From this standpoint, it is obvious...
  11. Editorial Note | Eighth International Conference of the ICL

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 September 2023
    ...Asia. But nationalists sabotage the struggle for national liberation at every turn, sacrificing it in...
  12. Permanent Revolution & Women’s Liberation

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 September 2023
    ...countries is inseparable from the fight for national liberation; the two must be wielded together...
  13. Labour Must Defend the Truckers!

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 February 2022
    ...Quebec now! Advancing the struggle for Quebec’s national liberation on a revolutionary basis is crucial...
  14. ICL Post-Debate Statement: Where Is the LFI Going?

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 18 January 2024 denying both the centrality of the national liberation struggle as a motor force for...
  15. Editorial - A World in Turmoil

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 August 2022 not fighting a just struggle of national liberation but is instead fighting to enslave...
  16. NDP and Fake Socialists: Spearhead for Lockdowns and Crackdowns

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 August 2022
    ...Quebec now! Advancing the struggle for Quebec’s national liberation on a revolutionary basis is crucial...
  17. The ICL’s Post-Soviet Revisionism

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 September 2023 an obstacle to both social and national liberation. This approach is entirely counterposed to...
  18. Why the ICL Collapsed & How We Reforged It

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 September 2023
    ...correct: our assertion that the struggle for national liberation is not an obstacle to be...
  19. Trotskyists in Argentina | Hot Air and Sectarianism

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 August 2024
    ...path that fuses the just desire for national liberation from imperialist oppression with the fight...
  20. France | Popular Front Paves the Way for Le Pen

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 August 2024
    ...never go further than that because Palestinian national liberation vis-à-vis the Zionist state...