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Found 19 results in 1 periodicals
  1. For Communist Leadership of the Anti-Imperialist Struggle!

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 September 2023 nothing more than the establishment of Stalinist-type bureaucratic regimes that maintain their rule...
  2. The Class Nature of China

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 August 2024
    ...for a political revolution against the CPC Stalinist bureaucracy, whose strategy and policies are leading...
  3. Pandemic in China - Trotskyism vs. Stalinism

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 August 2022
    ...degeneration, but through counterrevolution. We call the Stalinist apparatus centrist precisely because it fulfills a...
  4. The Breakdown of U.S. Hegemony and the Struggle for Workers Power

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 September 2023
    ...with working-class demoralization from decades of Stalinist treachery led to the final liquidation of...
  5. Exchange on Class and Ideological Divisions in China Today

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 4 March 2024
    ...However, another faction of these Mao Zedong, Stalinist supporters, including Trotsky supporters and anarchists, believes...
  6. Exchange on Spartacist No. 68: On the Malvinas/Falklands War and Permanent Revolution

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 26 March 2024
    ...D. dissertation required extensive familiarization with the Stalinist Soviet Union in the 1930s in general...
  7. Why the ICL Collapsed & How We Reforged It

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 September 2023
    ...opposition to counterrevolution in struggle against the Stalinist bureaucracy, which was literally liquidating itself and...
  8. Marxists & Palestine: 100 Years of Failure

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 August 2024
    ...was being transformed into an adjunct of Stalinist foreign policy, based on the reactionary perspective...
  9. Exchanges between Korean Bolshevik Group and ICL

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 28 March 2024
    ...current misleaders, whether they are social-democratic, Stalinist or Islamist. Iran In our previous exchanges...
  10. Editorial - A World in Turmoil

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 August 2022
    ...called communists (and even “Trotskyists”) hail the Stalinist bureaucracy and promote the false idea that...
  11. Albert Nelson

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 August 2022
    ...Trotskyism, marked by its adulation of Cuban Stalinist Fidel Castro and its criminal abstention from...
  12. Throw the EU/NATO Supporters Out of the Left!

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 August 2022
    ...being in the hands of anti-revolutionary Stalinist bureaucracies. We stood for the unconditional military...
  13. Tough Times Ahead

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 August 2024
    ...the chaotic and brutal manner typical of Stalinist bureaucracies. This will pose even more starkly...
  14. Down With the Lockdowns! - The Working Class Must Defend Itself

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 19 April 2021
    ...For workers political revolution to oust the Stalinist bureaucracy! For New October Revolutions! South Korea...
  15. Down With the Lockdowns! The Working Class Must Defend Itself

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 August 2022
    ...For workers political revolution to oust the Stalinist bureaucracy! For New October Revolutions! South Korea...
  16. In Defence of the Revolutionary Programme (II)

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 August 2022
    ...proletarian political revolution to oust the parasitic Stalinist bureaucracy. But all fake socialists in Britain...
  17. The ICL’s Post-Soviet Revisionism

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 September 2023
    ...within the PDS, the remnant of the Stalinist ruling party of East Germany (DDR). In...
  18. In Defense of the Second and Fourth Comintern Congresses

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 September 2023
    ...of China to the bourgeois Guomindang. The Stalinist betrayal of the 1925-27 Chinese Revolution...
  19. The Fight Against Modi: What Next?

    Spartacist (English edition) (en)| 1 August 2024
    ...peasantry in debt. In the words of Stalinist historian R. P. Dutt, colonial India was...