There is nothing to debate with racist thugs who terrorise our neighbourhoods—they must be swept off the streets. Not by a liberal lovefest chanting “refugees are welcome here”, nor by reliance on the cops and courts. We need a mass show of force centred on the power of the unions. This must be the aim of the 26 October demonstration against Tommy Robinson.

But this, on its own, will not stop Farage. Masses of workers, who are treated with contempt by Labourites and liberals, are turning to racist demagogues like Farage out of anger at the establishment. They are right to be fed up. But Farage has no answer to the economic rot that’s ruining their lives. These workers must be convinced to reject Farage.

But you can’t do any of the above with hippy-dippy politics. And certainly not in alliance with Keir Starmer. His government will tighten the screws even further on working-class people, worsening the conditions that fuel the rise of the far right.

Leaders of the RMT, NEU, Unite and other unions say they want to stop the far right, yet they support Starmer! They helped to put him in office and have squandered union dues on Labour, despite his support to the genocide of Palestinians and his attacks on the working class.

We need to build an alternative to this! Join our contingent on 26 October! - Piccadilly Circus, London, 11:30 -